Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another Scavenger Hunt Dealy-o

I signed this petition: STOP ANIMAL TESTING. You should too. There's no point in animal testing, seriously. They don't even react the same to major substances that we do! You know that rats or something aren't allergic to arsenic? Its not deadly. Pretty sure it's deadly to HUMANS. Ugh.

Respond to a professional blogger on a major news site

Haha, yes, "major" I'm choosing to take that to include
It is major in the gaming world, I think... And so's Gamasutra. Haha, I love it!

Anyway I commented on this news item: PSP Sales Rise 300%

This was my valuable response to the article:
"It still sounds pretty pricey to me... And it just looks like an upgraded version of a GBA. Which makes me wonder... what ever happened to Nintendo? After the last GameBoy, their position in the handheld market just plummeted. Don't even talk to me about the DS, that thing is crap."
I left my name as "Anonymous" cos I'd rather not be abused for my controversial views, ha. Free world my ass.

Barack Obama
Oooh, look, he's got a TWITTER. My respect for the first black (well, half) president of the States just plummeted. Not that I had much respect for him anyway, he's american. Ahahaha, just kidding, yanks aren't that bad. It's just dumbasses, like George Dubbya Bush, who give them a bad name. Anywhoooo, B.O (haha) was tweeting about supporting the health reform in the U.S. I agree with Ling on this one, it is nice to know that the big man up top can take time out of his busy presidential duties to chat to his peeps :)

Local, State and Fed Reps

Local - Ron Clarke - tis the Mayor!

State - Anna Bligh

Fed - K-Rudd! - He kinda looks like the Milky Bar kid!

Last time local member spoke in parliament

Oh, Ron Clarke, wherefore art thou? You didn't pop up anywhere. Not that I searched very hard. But wait, your name appears in here somewhere, if you search "Ron Clarke" in the Hansard link:

Queensland Legislative Assembly

Good enough (:

Let your local member know what you think about their last speech

Couldn't find anything about this either, surprise surprise. But, turns out he thinks the Gold Coast is a wonderful place (well derrr, he is the Mayor, he kinda has to say that, but shh) and I just so happen to agree. Here is what he says about it exactly, if you're interested. Seems a bit too "Gold Coast is fantastic" to me but I'll still agree, cos I think it rockssss my socks man.

Clean Feed
This definition is brought to you today via No Clean Feed

"The Australian Federal Government is pushing forward with a plan to force Internet Service Providers [ISPs] to censor the Internet for all Australians. This plan will waste tens of millions of taxpayer dollars and slow down Internet access. Despite being almost universally condemned by the public, ISPs, State Governments, Media and censorship experts, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is determined to force this filter into your home."

I'll tell you something, he ain't forcing nothing into myyyyy home, uh uh. I'll move overseas where they have fast internet, lol. Okay, I will agree that if it stops pedophiles and people with crush fetishes from getting their rocks off then yay for that, but I still think those kinds of people should be castrated (hey, its a hell of a lot better than this censorship bullshit, and HELLZ CHEAPER) since they'll just find a way to get around the censorship (cos they're freaks) and/or other means of getting what they want. Plus, I'm pretty sure its not just the illegal stuff they're censoring. If it's not illegal... why bother slowing our net down to block it?

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