Which brings me of course to some of my favourite/not-so-favourite examples of said "convergence."
Firstly, smart-phones. You know, like your uber lame iPhone. Or my super cool Samsung thingy. They do almost everything a computer does, all rolled into a cute little package. Except for the iPhone. It's ugly. And is the brick-phone of today, I swear.
See, what did I tell you? It's ugly.
Next is, would you believe, Anti-Social Networking sites. Oh, oops, my bad... I meant Social Networking sites. Like Myspace and Facebook. I won't get started on the debate, even though Facebook is clearly better than Gayspace. I mean Myspace.


Then there's these retarded Artificial Intelligence robots the military have created. Seriously, you should see these things. Apart from the one that moves like a horse, they're pretty damn creepy.
I meant this:

And last but not least, my final example. Those new "smart" car things. You know, with the sensors that don't let you hit anything. And the sensors that don't let you speed. And the sensors that recognise when you're drifting... I mean, skidding wildly and horizontally out of control, and automatically readjusts itself to get you out of such a sticky and not... fun... situation. Yeah? They're the cars that are environmentally friendly. And ugly. Just plain ugly. I mean, sure, they have low carbon emissions or whatever and are unable to cause damage to themselves, to you and to anyone or anything else on the road (and not on the road), but do you want to know why else they're so damn environmentally friendly and safe? BECAUSE NO ONE WILL DRIVE THEM. Because they're ugly. And stupid. AND NO FUN WHATSOEVER. I mean, look at this thing.
It drives itself. Imagine when they become mainstream and affordable? Call me old fashioned, but I actually like to drive when I'm driving.
So yeah, you can tell I'm a bit mixed when it comes to new technology... But I guess it's up to the individual consumer though, right?
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