1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin? How long did it take to grow?
1689 pounds. Didn't say how long it took to grow. (H-Ref 1)
2. Best (quickest, fastest) way to contact Lily Allen?
0416 566 165. Lol. ;) Alternatively, Facebook or Myspace (http://www.myspace.com/lilymusic) (H-Ref 2)
3. How long is a giraffe's tongue?
21 inches. That is totally from my own general knowledge. Hah. (H-Ref 3)
Look at those things go!
4. Define "glycomics" and in your own words, what does it really mean? What does the term seagull manager" refer to?
"Glycomics involves the study of the glycans and glycan-binding proteins in various biological systems, and the design of novel drugs and vaccines." (H-ref 4.1) In my own words, it means a lot of mumbo jumbo. Hah. No really, it sounds far too complicated for me to fathom without someone explaining it to me in dumbed down terms. Maybe the study of sugars or carbs or something like that yeah?
As for "seagull manager" I take it to mean "a manager who only interacts with employees to criticize their work or when a problem arises." (H-ref 4.2)
5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film? Which of his films had "Blondie" in it?
Transfer (1966) and Blondie was in Videodrome (H-Ref 5)
6. When was the original "Hackers Manifesto" written?
January 8, 1986. (H-Ref 6) But who cares about that? When I hear "Hackers" I think of that movie from years ago, I think it was 1996 actually, with Angelina Jolie at a time when she had short hair. She's definitely had more attractive hair cuts. I don't think I ever watched that movie... any volunteers? I read the book though, and that was good. I think the movie would be better though, it has Angelina Jolie in it after all. She ended up marrying the lead guy of that movie, in fact, but dumped him for a (female) supermodel. Hehe, nicely done.
Heh, close enough. ;)
7. Why do phone numbers in Hollywood films always start with 555?
Hollywood films have been restricted a set of 555 numbers so that apparently no one gets millions of prank phone calls asking for "God" (Bruce Almighty anyone?). These particular 555 numbers don't actually exist or some such drivvel. (H-Ref 7)
8. Cheapest form of travel from Gold Coast to Sydney?
Hitchhiking. Otherwise, $59 by plane. I'm assuming that flying would be the cheapest way because unless you're going to hitchhike it, you'd have to pay for petrol or for a bus ticket or something and yeah. Don't argue with me. (H-Ref 8)
9. Top song in the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?
Normie Rowe & The Playboys (H-Ref 9)
10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on vocals and keyboards?
The Black Assassins. I stole it off someone else's blog so sue me. Technically, I didn't use Google or wiki. (H-Ref 10)
H-ref 1 - http://pumpkinnook.com/giants/giantpumpkins.htm
Found via - Yahoo
H-ref 2 - General Knowledge
H-ref 3 - General Knowledge
H-ref 4.1 - http://www.griffith.edu.au/science/institute-glycomics
Found via - Yahoo
H-ref 4.2 - http://www.wordspy.com/words/seagullmanager.asp
Found via - Yahoo
H-ref 5 - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000343/
H-ref 6 - http://www.mithral.com/~beberg/manifesto.html
Found via - Dogpile
H-ref 7 - http://thewhyoftheweb.blogspot.com/2009/05/immersive-entertainment-and-damn-555.html
Found via - Ask Jeeves
H-ref 8 - http://www.flightcentre.com.au
H-ref 9 - http://www.poparchives.com.au/feature.php?id=101
Found Via - Ask Jeeves
H-ref 10 - http://blackassassins.net/
Found via - Dogpile and someone else's blog
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