Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lecture 5.0: Jason Nelson Screwin' Around

I have nooo idea what the point of this lecture was, to be perfectly honest. The lecturer though did remind me very strongly of someone. But I couldn't put my finger on who. It's STILL frustrating me, a full day after. He was entertaining though... Back to the lecture though. I think there might've been a point after all, I'm not sure ;)

We were shown some examples of visual data representation, which was followed by lots of chit chat about the "Dot Com Boom" and its subsequent crash. Some chick went from being worth $18 to 5 million and then back to $19 in the space of a year. Sad. She should've got out with her 5 mil. I know I totally would've been smart enough to do that XD

AOL rose and fell, as did Yahoo, who's now partnering with ol' Bill Gates to compete with Google, just like Myspace keeps (sadly) trying to update itself to compete with Facebook. Facebook's better. No reason why, maybe it's just cos for some reason I don't see as many skanky stupid 16-year-olds on there? They are catching onto the new "trend" though, and I don't like it :( As for Twitter, you know what my News&Politics tutor said about it? It's like having a lot of birds twittering in the background. What do you do to birds twittering in the background? You block them out. Which is eventually what's going to happen to Twitter. THANK GOD. And while I'm on the topic of Twitter, I would like to express my PROTEST at having had to get an account for my N&P class. I hate Twitter. And I'm not too fond of N&P either.

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